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3smooty.jpg (51427 octets)

Vinata,Dheva & Vindy at 3 months

"Smooths like single malt whiskey, oysters, and foreing films are an acquired taste. I appreciate single malt whiskey as well as blended scotch and smooth as well as the feathered Saluki. I highty recommend all of these to you. They compliment each other nicely. And when next you contemplate a smooth, try one, it's a taste worth acquiring" Brian Duggan. (Saluki international. Issue 2)

     Tâdj Mahâl Vasu-Dheva     

  Tâdj Mahâl Vin- Dhya   Owner:Olivier Collin Belgium

   Tâdj Mahâl Vinata-Dara Co-Owner: Adrée Peeters Belgium