Charts Polski
August 23 1999, 5 babies Charts Polskis were born at Mrs. Peeters-Huls' home in Wavre. Our Salukis unanimously accepted to lend their family name to these 5 superb babies!
The parents are
Fantazy Celerrimus et Ch Fin Est Maghbeth's Thyke
The "babies"are:
Tâdj-Mahâl Yakov-Kosak, red male with black mask, lives in Belgium with Marc Vrancken. He is already two times BIS junior in a Sighthounds speciality and Luxembourg Junior Winner and Bob at prestigous Dortmund dog show!.
Tâdj-Mahâl Yovna-Pola, female cream, left to live in the United States with Linda and Roman Mulczynski, "Bursztyn Chart Polski" in California.
Tâdj-Mahâl Y'Dziki-Pola, female "hare color" has joined her sister Yovna on this long journey! She lives at Lisa Pinto's kennel "King's Mountain Hounds", She is already one time BOG for young sighthound and one time reserve BOG!
Tâdj-Mahâl Ylius-Kosak, brindle male and Tâdj-Mahâl Ylenia-Pola, dark "hare color", have prefered to stay with their great-mother Andrée in Wavre!...They hope start show in 2001!
Yovna-Pola 10 months